I have a Question ..
"My coach said to get my own paddle"
"My partner paddles and want to get them a gift, which paddle do I need?"
"I have a paddle (or 6 ) and I am looking for something I can use specifically for....?"
3 basic steps to determine what you may need.
Who is it for and what races do they do most.
This gives a clue of what shape the blade is ideal and which bend in the shaft
Finally, a body check to sort out the length to suit your stature.

HANDMADE Timber Outrigger Canoe Paddles.
because you feel it - and connect with tradition and nature.
If you own a xylobladz paddle - from the bottom of our hearts - thankyou.
We can no longer make them, as our workshop is gone and it is too much to soon to have an alternative.
Several people thought it might be a good idea to acquire the name and business.
If you are interested in xylobladz as a business this requires hard work, learning, some facilities and going out to meet paddlers.
If I could do it, anyone can.
Over those years we have had many loyal customers who still re-invest in our handmade timber paddles and have helped new paddlers and us along the way by introducing them to the natural feel and connection of a timber paddle. For that we are truly grateful.
So the time has come upon us due to circumstances beyond our control, that xylobladz either moves out of our hands to someone else (preferred), or disappears from the outrigger landscape.
We will personally make the last few orders on the books that we have, and clear out our workshop. We have no other place to go with it, even though the space doesn’t need to be what it is now.
Over those years we have had many loyal customers who still re-invest in our handmade timber paddles and have helped new paddlers and us along the way by introducing them to the natural feel and connection of a timber paddle. For that we are truly grateful.
IF you could see yourself learning to make a paddle on a commercial basis and taking xylobladz forward, you can easily do this right now as a part time endeavor. However, by doing more of what we had done for years, turning up at races with a few paddles, talking with paddlers - you could grow this to what ever level you wish to put into it.
Having a clue about working with some woodworking tools is a definite advantage, but if you have a learner’s mind, everything is teachable.
Yes there is a lot of cheaper or more expensive carbon imports that have the flavor of the month. As a handmade product from start to finish, of course the margins aren’t there for resellers to make money off xylobladz.
Should a person be interested in continuing a legacy started in 1986, we will be able to advise, teach, guide the how and why of making a paddle.